

Online authorization system to access CBI S.c.p.a. standards


"In order to access CBI S.c.p.a. Benefit Corporation applications, within the terms provided for by CBI's  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of CBI S.c.p.a. Benefit Corporation , users need to be previously informed of, and agree with, the full contents of the above-mentioned IPR policy.


Therefore, users who intend to access - and eventually use - the above-mentioned applications, by flagging the item "I authorize" declare to have read and understood in all its parts the above-mentioned CBI S.c.p.a. Benefit Corporation's IPR policy, and to agree with its full contents, also in respect to referring litigations to the Bank Liaison Officer (art. 8). 

It should be noted that CBI S.c.p.a. Benefit Corporation employs a traceability system to keep track of all granted or denied accesses, and that for purposes of controlling improper use, it will, in compliance with privacy issues provided for by the legislative decree. n. 196/2003, make use of data provided by users during registration to this website.


By reason of, and having acknowledged the above-mentioned information, by flagging the item "I authorize"


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